DevOpsDays MSP 2015
09 July 2015
The Conference
DevOpsDays MSP is an
annual 2-day conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is the second year of
the conference.
DevOps is *deep breath* the study and practice of combining the classically
separate professions of development and operations. (my definition, which is
probably different than everyone else’s).
The term ‘DevOps’ is largely credited to Patrick
Debois in 2008, though the
concepts and practices arguably predate the term.
The following are my personal notes from the conference, summarized in my own
words, and sometimes with my own biases and omissions. This is not a
transcript and it is not complete. Where possible, the original sources should
be referenced.
Devops: The Missing Pieces
Katherine Daniels -
Great overview of devops at Etsy with some actionable advice that every company should consider.
- DevOps History
- Used to throw code over the wall, and it didn’t go well
- Patrick Debois organized the first DevOpsDays conference in 2009
- Ops and Devs should work together, communicate more
- DevOps @ Etsy
- “Who is in charge of DevOps?” – “We are all in charge of DevOps.”
- No DevOps team, no DevOps engineers.
- We’re all in charge of devops.
- Bootcamping
- Embedding (especially new) employees into other teams
- 1-6 weeks, 1-3 bootcamps per person
- Meaningful contributions with other teams
- Empathy, inter-team understanding
- Designated Ops
- Every team has a designated ops engineer
- Even non-dev teams may have an ops person
- Designated, but not dedicated
- Primary, secondary, advisory roles - avoids burnout, spreads load
- Attend other team’s meetings
- Expose operational ideas, concerns, early
- Monitoring, operational thinking, fewer surprises
- Pair Opsing
- A part of Designated Ops
- Similar to pair programming
- Once a week, or every couple weeks
- Refactoring ops code, changing alerting
- Two-way knowledge sharing
- Intersectionality
- The study of intersections between forms or systems of oppression,
- Accessibility, real name policies, B corps, side effects of businesses
- Rock stars, big egos, bad
- Looking to build orchestras, rather than rock stars
- When hiring, look for diversity, team players,
Why you should care about DevOps in the public sector
Joshua Zimmerman -
Challenges in public sector technology and how DevOps can help.
Rolling Your Own vs SaaS: Tradeoffs & Considerations
Colleen Velo -
This detail-packed talk shows an overview of what particular pieces of software
a large company is using, and why.
- Bloom Health
- Private health exchange
- HIPAA compliant, PHI data
- Entire infra in public cloud infrastructure (AWS)
- Definitions used in this talk
- SaaS - Software as a Service
- Roll your own - write your own custom software privately
- Open Source - Freely available software
- Commercial (self hosted) - purchased software but administered locally
- Considerations on DIY vs SaaS
- Cost, support, staffing, company policies, security
- hipaa security
- data must be encrypted in transit and at rest
- principle of least privilege
I excluded a bunch of slides on pros, cons and use cases of each of SaaS,
Commercial, Open Source, and Roll-your-own. Watch the talk for full details.
- Bloom’s approach to SaaS
- CloudTrail and CloudCheckr - great for auditing access
- Used to use trusted advisor instead of CloudChecker
- CloudFormation to manage deployments
- ElastiCache instead of sticky sessions
- Planning to use RDS for MySQL
- Currently still using MySQL master/slave
- RDS MySQL now HIPAA compliant
- AWS HIPAA compliant page recommended
- Jira, Confluence, Hipchat
- DockerHub private registry
- building their own private registry
- Github in the cloud
- Monitoring
- Stackdriver for system metrics, integrated with AWS
- New Relic for application monitoring, JVM stack, groovy/tomcat
- Pingdom for monitoring endpoints
- Pagerduty for alerting
- Bloom’s approach to commercial (self-hosted) software
- Splunk for log aggregation
- Splunk enterprise security
- Great integration with 3rd party products
- Casper Suite for Mac Provisioning
- Security policies
- Audit trail
- Jira ticketing system for PHI data - self hosted
- Bloom’s approach to “roll your own” (write your own solution)
- SFTP file exchange due to HIPAA compliance
- Dynamic service discovery
- In 2013, not many options available
- BHStore, based on Redis and publish/subscriber
- Moving over to Consul (hashicorp)
- Multi data center support
- Bloom’s approach to open source
- Vagrant for development/testing
- Chef solo, migrating to Salt Stack and Docker
- Graphite for monitoring historical application metrics
- Packer for AMIs
- Takeaways
- Go to meetups to discuss solutions and experiences
Helping Developers Monitor Their Own Applications
Luke Francl -
DevOps from a developer perspective; how to get developer buy-in. Warning,
actual code is presented and discussed!
- Swiftype - search as a service company using API or web crawler
- Luke is developer, admits to not knowing a lot about operations
- –Bunch of really funny joke slides excluded–
- Thought devops was just an ops thing..
- Monitoring
- Make it easy for devs to add monitoring (or it may not get done)
- Example shown of ruby integration with nagios
- Allows monitoring metrics and thresholds to be defined and implemented
directly in code
- See slides for particular technical details
- With this glue, “Monitoring is addictive” for development
- Developers are subject matter experts at their application. Give them to
tools to implement their own monitoring.
- Open sourced ruby/nagios glue at
- “DevOps needs developers”
- Development used to be pretty awesome, throwing code over the wall
- Need developer buy-in. It can’t just be about ops
- Providing infrastructure for developers is a powerful one to convince
- Make it easy for developers. They’ll understand the value.
- Moving towards having developers on call, but not there yet
- Takeaways
- Much of this talk was contextual and funny, which I did not attempt to
reproduce here
- Much of this talk was code, which I also did not reproduce here
- Make monitoring directly accessible to developers
The New New Software Development Game
Mary Poppendieck -
Mary is from the future. You should listen to what she says and buy her books
and the books recommended here.
- Software is eating the world.
- Things to think about
- lower friction
- Friction is what makes war different in reality vs on paper.
- Before containerization in shipping, high friction - low friction with
containers - Read The
- limit risk
- Lower friction, limit risk. How?
- Architecture - microservices
- In the 90’s, centralize everything into few databases - monolithic
- Microservices, by contrast, decouples all the things and creates a
federated architecture
- Read Building
- Small service - does one thing well. Independently deployable.
- Small team - end to end responsibility. END TO END. On call, monitoring,
QA, deploying, etc
- Practices
- No central databases
- Extensive automation and monitoring
- Double Mock Contract Testing
- Smart versioning services
- Canary releasing
- Examples: Amazon, netflix, spotify, gilt
- Risks..
- Dependency hell.. how is this different than objects?
- Is it right for your domain?
- Yes, if you have high volume
- Do you understand the domain?
- Often start monolithic and move to microservices when it makes sense
- Get bounderies right first, hard to refactor later
- Can you maintain strict discipline?
- Restrict interaction to hardened interfaces
- Teams maintain situational awareness of their services, its
consumers, its providers
- Architecture - containers
- Pack dependent code into containers
- Build once, run anywhere
- Consistency
- Isolation
- Easy to use (esp docker)
- Better server utilization
- Architecture - testing
- Dealing with monoliths
- You don’t have to have microservices. i.e. Facebook
- Antipatterns
- “Smash!” - large infrequent releases - Guarantees failure
- Best practice
- Poke, test, fix.. small iterations over time
- Continuous
- Not new - 2010 idea. If you’re not doing this yet, you don’t care about
stability, reliability, predictability. Least dangerous approach.
- Must have test-driven development process
- Tight collaboration between customer-facing and delivery people
- Cross functional teams, including product, QA, and ops
- Automated build, testing, DB migration, deployment
- Incremental dev on mainline with continuous integration
- Branches are not CD. Always deploy to trunk/master
- Release is done by a switch. Deployment happens all the time.
- Software is always production ready
- Releases tied to business needs, not operational constraints
- Organization
- Dev and ops are different - Read
- Safety-focused goal people
- prevent failure. i.e. doctors, nurses
- Duty, obligation
- Rewards - attention is for bad behavior
- Nothing going wrong is ideal
- Limit risk
- Aspirational goal people
- create gains
- explore all the options
- Rewarded for delivery
- Lower friction
- Both important! “Often in a marriage, you’ll have one of each”
- One goal, shared responsibility
- Who is responsible?
- “We work together”
- All of us are responsible.
- Situational awareness - Read This is
- What makes a great (soccer) team - everyone on the field is aware of
everything, all the time. The team with the most situational awareness
will win.
- Wayne Gretzky - skates to where the puck will be
Cheffing Etsy; Do too many cooks really spoil the soup?
Jon Cowie -
This was a very detailed and pragmatic talk about how Etsy uses Chef to deliver
Do too many cooks really spoil the soup?
Lets Safely Dance
Andy Fleener -
Overview of safety concepts in large and complex systems.
- Systems inherently unsafe
- “Complex systems are trade-offs between multiple irreconcilable goals (e.g.
safety and efficiency” - Sidney Dekker
- Systems cause failures (not people)
- Organizations are complex systems
- Become comfortable with failure
- Foster a culture of learning
- Procedure vs Practive
- What’s written down, vs what actually happens
- Mind the gap - understand the difference
- Organizational change has the biggest impact
- Read:
Closing Keynote
Andrew Clay Shafer
Andrew Clay Shafer’s thoughts on devops.
I excluded a long introduction recounting history of devops
- Obligatory Deming Quote - A bad system will beat a good person every time
- Innovators, Imitators, Idiots. (Don’t be an idiot.)
- inputs and outputs - conway’s law and its impact on org structure
- devops - optimizing performance and minimizing suffering.. globally.
- Incentives for those wearing pagers vs those paid to ship new features.
- If you wear a pager and are responsible when something breaks, you’ll
probably prefer safety
- The problem: local rationality (vs global)
- The information we have changes what we see
- Stimulus and response - the system has as big of impact as any individual
- burnout is a feature of a system
- people in a bad mood have better judgement and attention to detail
- Perhaps depressions isn’t a malfunction, but an adaption (scientific
- “I never wanted to be a programmer”
- “Computers are pretty easy.. it just does what I say, that’s pretty awesome”
- “I never wanted to be a sys admin”.. “I sure as hell never wanted to be a
- There’s a tightrope between dunning-kruget and imposter syndrome
- Humans are hard wired prefer confidence to expertise (see - sales)
- Everyone should read this book: Badass Making Users Awesome - Kathy
- Systems make people awesome. No-one will overcome an unhealthy system.
- Build better systems, keep learning, keep helping each other
- The punishment for not participating in politics is being ruled by inferiors
Ignite Talks
Ignite talks are 5 minutes each and go very fast. The following are my brief
Stop Blogging About Women in Tech
Jenna Pederson
- 6 Actions you can take with regard to women in technology
- Provide a community (for women)
- Provide a place to learn
- (Self) Promote
- Actively Recruit
- Mentor
- Empower
Michael Lanyon -
- Critical Mass experiment with web performance monitoring
- quantifies the end user experience
- RUM - Real User Monitoring
- Have team form a relationship with prod
Larye Pohlman -
- Empathy, vulnerability
- Leadership is associated with vulnerability
- Feel pain, show pain
- Awkward moments shared with neighbors to make a point about sharing feelings
with strangers
Jason Clifford
- Board games at work
- Great for team building, culture, learning, improving, etc
- Board games aren’t what they used to be
- Organizing tips:
- Learn well enough to teach it first
- Be inclusive
- Accessible and inviting location
- Game recommendations
DevOps and the Enterprise
Jason Walker
- Target devops - Empathy Fairness and Contentment
- Let time pass (after presenting new ideas)
- Equal != Fair
- Identify ad remove complication
Sports Stats 10
Daniel Willis
Note that Daniel is 12 years old!
Putting the R in sports
- Installing R
- Type R to start
- R variables
- Example using R to calculate ERAs
- Reading files
- Explaining standard deviation is hard (!)
- vectors, era plots
- Moneyball and sabermetrics
- Using Lahman database for historical baseball stats
You, Me & StatsD
Mark Morris
- Who does ‘tail -f production.log’?
- multipurpose tool to gather information from logs without using tail.
- Simple example from a shell
- Enter statsd. “logging for metrics”
- Metrics in buckets
- statsd examples
If you want to have an impact, Devops is not enough
Sara Cowles
- Segway example - great tech but little impact
- Work hard at work worth doing
- option 1: just build it
- option 2: build an MVP (minimally viable product)
- option 3: test assumptions
- Be wrong as fast as you can
- build -> measure -> learn feedback loop
- empathy - the closest thing to a silver bullet
Jason Hand
- Email should die
- 28% managing email
- 20% looking for information
- 20-25% increase in productivity by moving conversations to chat
- i.e. trigger jenkins build from chat
- i.e. incident managmeent
- benefits
- learning
- sharing
- speed
- security
- brainstorming
- fun
- Private chats are an anti-pattern - use shared spaces
- black box buckets nobody else benefits from
- placing tools directly in the middle of conversation
- Read ChatOps for Dummies (
Devops in the Machine
Matt Stratton
Pete Chesbot jokes
Open Spaces
For reference, here’s the list of open spaces.
- Wednesday
- Session 1
- Saltstack Best Practices
- Empathy/Cybernetics
- Config and app dep managmenet
- GameOps
- Working with product, UX, Marketing, other non-ops non-dev folks
- CM on Windows
- Introverts
- Leadership in Tech
- Session 2
- DevOps in Dev Environments
- DevOps at Tiny Company
- devops for nonprofits, orgs and low budget side projects
- Training/Getting Buy In Socializing Holistic Thinking
- DevOps Career Development
- CI/CD Pipeline Toolingi
- Building self-sevice IAAS
- Session 3
- DevOps Crystal Ball
- Conference Speaking Efforts @ your company
- Where is SW/Test Departments in DevOps
- More contributions back to Open Source
- Security, DevTools & Monitoring
- Useful bots in chatrooms
- Blameless Post-mortems
- Remote Teamwork
- Thursday
- Session 1
- Cookie Ops
- app “herding” oragnize and manage state
- arrested devops podcast
- monitoring/incident managements
- education + teaching comp sci
- scaling elk
- chatops
- Session 2
- How to make devops haters devops supporters
- Empathy: tactics, challenges, stories
- do your own devopsdays
- code sync for puppet
- empowering product and design leaders
- docker orchestration
- cross the finish line: devops marathon
- werewolf
- Session 3
- sales and marketings place in devops
- kanban vs devops
- public conference post-mortem
- cloud foundry
- being blind / advocate for under represented groups
- config driven monitoring/testing infrastructure
- devsecops: doing, dreaming or what’s security doing here
- mutable vs immutable infra